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Top 5 Hacks to Grow Your Business Online

by pps-DUEditor

In today’s online-dominated world, the opportunity to reach new customers is no longer limited to your physical location. If you’re not currently expanding your business online, you need to do that now. Here are the top 10 tips which can help you push your business to a new level and prepare for further expansion in the future.

Create Content Extensively

As a business owner, it’s important to build traffic and communicate with your customers. One way to achieve this is by becoming a prolific content creator. Content creation is the core of your online marketing strategy because it fuels the actions you need to take online to grow a sustainable business.

Build a Blog or Website

Your website is the destination for all your content—and today’s customers want to know as much as they can about you. On your blog, contribute content that shows you as an expert in your industry. Then start connecting with potential customers — showcase what you have to offer by including links on your blog to articles you have written on topics related to your business.

Create an Email List

The good news is that building your email list is simple, with the most important task being to create an appealing call to action on every webpage of your website. The more opt-in opportunities you offer, the easier it will be to stay organized and keep your audience up-to-date on what they’re interested in.

Start a Facebook Group

Create a Facebook group to connect with customers online. A forum is a great route to get people engaged in conversations and grow your brand. A Facebook group enables you to build a community around your business and provides you with instant access to current and past clients.

Use Pinterest

While it may seem the most natural place to promote your brand online is on social media, one of the best places to drive organic traffic these days is on Pinterest. Pinterest acts as a search engine of its own, so if your pin matches someone’s intent, it could show up months after you posted it. To do that, you need to learn how to leverage Pinterest’s unique features, like pinboards—mini-websites within the website itself—and paid ads. And if people like what they see on Pinterest, they’ll visit your site more than once and buy from you, too!

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